Have you ever wondered how to start breaking hardware? It’s not that hard, and can be a lot of fun. I will talk about basic tools needed to begin, what to look for, and how you too can play with just about any IoT type device. This talk came from the idea of wanting to reset a Point-To-Point radio that no one knew the password for, and was deemed “dead”. I will talk about how I found the admin Interface, and what did once I got connected to it, and a few other stories of hardware attacks I run against systems. I will also introduce the topic of Glitching using an EMP on hardware. It’s fun to see a program branch into code that can never actually be branched into as an exit is not built into the code base.
David M. N. Bryan is a Hacker with X-Force Red, IBM’s elite security testing team. David has 25+ years of Information Security experience and knowledge that he uses to create custom attack scenarios for/with our clients. His primary skill sets involve penetration testing embedded computing/hardware, ATMs, and mainframes. David runs and leads many projects, and often acts as a liaison with clients.David has been a defender of security at a top ten bank, setup and secured the DEF CON network, and has run hundreds of engagements with clients. David has been a participant in the information security community for 25+ years, first starting out as a DEF CON volunteer (Goon) - and now is on the board that runs Thotcon, a Chicago Information Security conference. For the last 15+ years David has been the attacker in many scenarios as a penetration tester covering: hardware, mainframe, network, embedded, wireless, web applications, and physical security. David has presented at BlackHat, DEF CON, ToorCon, LayerOne, ToorCamp, BSides Events, and AppSecUSA.
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